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Danny Kim
Danny Kim

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Simple TypeScript Mutex Implementation

JavaScript on browser is single-threaded, but JS developers still need to worry about interleaving timelines because the language has the concept of re-entrancy. An async function can stop in the middle of execution, yield its way to another function, then resume later.

There can be unexpected outcomes when timeline of multiple functions get intertwined, and we call that "race conditions".

One way to deal with this complexity is to lock the critical section so that only one piece of code can access it at a time. That prevents any race conditions caused by two functions simultaneously accessing the same resource.

The lock is called mutex because the locked resource becomes mutually exclusive. Here is an example implementation with annotation:

 * A lock for synchronizing async operations.
 * Use this to protect a critical section
 * from getting modified by multiple async operations
 * at the same time.
export class Mutex {
     * When multiple operations attempt to acquire the lock,
     * this queue remembers the order of operations.
    private _queue: {
        resolve: (release: ReleaseFunction) => void;
    }[] = [];

    private _isLocked = false;

     * Wait until the lock is acquired.
     * @returns A function that releases the acquired lock.
    acquire() {
        return new Promise<ReleaseFunction>((resolve) => {

     * Enqueue a function to be run serially.
     * This ensures no other functions will start running
     * until `callback` finishes running.
     * @param callback Function to be run exclusively.
     * @returns The return value of `callback`.
    async runExclusive<T>(callback: () => Promise<T>) {
        const release = await this.acquire();
        try {
            return await callback();
        } finally {

     * Check the availability of the resource
     * and provide access to the next operation in the queue.
     * _dispatch is called whenever availability changes,
     * such as after lock acquire request or lock release.
    private _dispatch() {
        if (this._isLocked) {
            // The resource is still locked.
            // Wait until next time.
        const nextEntry = this._queue.shift();
        if (!nextEntry) {
            // There is nothing in the queue.
            // Do nothing until next dispatch.
        // The resource is available.
        this._isLocked = true; // Lock it.
        // and give access to the next operation
        // in the queue.

     * Build a release function for each operation
     * so that it can release the lock after
     * the operation is complete.
    private _buildRelease(): ReleaseFunction {
        return () => {
            // Each release function make
            // the resource available again
            this._isLocked = false;
            // and call dispatch.

type ReleaseFunction = () => void;
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Example Usage

Let's say we want to add some items to a shopping cart and apply coupons at the same time. In order to prevent a race condition from producing incorrect total, we can use our mutex to run one operation at a time.

const shoppingCartMutex = new Mutex();

shoppingCartMutex.runExclusive(async () => {
  total = await cart.calculateTotal();

shoppingCartMutex.runExclusive(async () => {
  await cart.applyCoupons();
  total = await cart.calculateTotal();
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