DEV Community


Open-source developer productivity platform for engineering

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Leaving Uber in 2022 was the best thing I did for myself 🚶💼

Leaving Uber in 2022 was the best thing I did for myself 🚶💼

Comments 19
7 min read
Best Architecture for Your Next Project, Framework Doesn’t Matter! 🎉

Best Architecture for Your Next Project, Framework Doesn’t Matter! 🎉

Comments 26
5 min read
How Elite Engg. Teams Deploy 208X More Frequently Compared to Us Mere Mortals?

How Elite Engg. Teams Deploy 208X More Frequently Compared to Us Mere Mortals?

Comments 6
13 min read
How I stopped my procrastination: Insights into developer mindset

How I stopped my procrastination: Insights into developer mindset

Comments 45
5 min read
5 ways to skip QA approval forever!

5 ways to skip QA approval forever!

Comments 19
4 min read
6 ways to turn your browser into super-debug-hero (ft. node.js + next.js!)

6 ways to turn your browser into super-debug-hero (ft. node.js + next.js!)

Comments 17
11 min read
How Generative AI is impacting Developer Productivity?

How Generative AI is impacting Developer Productivity?

Comments 3
3 min read
12 Open Source tools that Developers would give up Pizza for👋🍕

12 Open Source tools that Developers would give up Pizza for👋🍕

Comments 36
4 min read