Latest episodes

Ship software, not code
Go Time,
The magic of a trace
Go Time,
Go Time,
Questions from a new Go developer
Go Time,
Jumping into an existing codebase
Go Time,
How long until I lose my job to AI?
Go Time,
Creating art & visualizations with Go
Go Time,
Foundations of Go performance
Go Time,
Gophers Say! GopherCon EU Athens 2024
Go Time,
What's new in Go 1.22
Go Time,
Go Capture the Flag! 🚩
Go Time,
300 multiple choices
Go Time,
All about Kafka
Go Time,
What's new in Go's cryptography libraries: Part 2
Go Time,
Event-driven systems & architecture
Go Time,
Principles of simplicity
Go Time,
What's new in Go's cryptography libraries
Go Time,
The se7en deadly sins of Go
Go Time,
Experiences from GopherCon 2023
Go Time,
Zero Trust & Go
Go Time,
Go templating using Templ
Go Time,
Prototyping with Go
Go Time,
What's new in Go 1.21
Go Time,
A deep dive into Go's stack
Go Time,
Building world-class developer experiences
Go Time,
So do we like Generics or not?
Go Time,
The tools we love
Go Time,
Gophers Say! GopherCon EU 2023
Go Time,
The solo gopher
Go Time,