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React Native Chat app with Firebase Series' Articles

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Chat app with React Native 1 - Build reusable UI form elements using react-native-paper
Cover image for Chat app with React Native 1 - Build reusable UI form elements using react-native-paper

Chat app with React Native 1 - Build reusable UI form elements using react-native-paper

Comments 6
11 min read
Chat app with React Native 2 - Implement Email Authentication with react-native-firebase
Cover image for Chat app with React Native 2 - Implement Email Authentication with react-native-firebase

Chat app with React Native 2 - Implement Email Authentication with react-native-firebase

Comments 1
9 min read
Chat app with React Native (part 3) - Create Firestore collections to store chat rooms

Chat app with React Native (part 3) - Create Firestore collections to store chat rooms

10 min read
Chat app with React Native (part 4): A guide to create Chat UI Screens with react-native-gifted-chat
Cover image for Chat app with React Native (part 4): A guide to create Chat UI Screens with react-native-gifted-chat

Chat app with React Native (part 4): A guide to create Chat UI Screens with react-native-gifted-chat

Comments 10
10 min read
Chat app with React Native (Part 5): Create and Fetch Real-Time Messages with Firestore
Cover image for Chat app with React Native (Part 5): Create and Fetch Real-Time Messages with Firestore

Chat app with React Native (Part 5): Create and Fetch Real-Time Messages with Firestore

11 min read
Chat app with React Native (Part 6): Create a custom hook to change status bar styles

Chat app with React Native (Part 6): Create a custom hook to change status bar styles

5 min read