DEV Community

Discussion on: Why you should do Competitive Programming, even if a little

zeroknight profile image
Alex George

Hey, you're the guy that wrote ClipJump! I just started using it a week ago. What a small world!

Anyway, these are great reasons to do competitive coding, or even more laid-back programming challenges. I really like programming challenges since they're great to do when you have some spare time, and there's tons of them! Here's a short, non-exhaustive list:

  • Advent of Code — Fun Christmas-themed challenges every December. Many of the problems are based on famous math and computer science problems. My first foray into programming challenges, and one of my favorites. Hosted by Eric Wastl.
  • Project Euler — Very math oriented. Haven't yet tried this one, personally
  • Synacor Challenge — Another one by Eric Wastl, quest-oriented like Advent of Code, but delves into things like creating virtual machines and more.
  • Exercism — Variety of programming problems and challenges for a plethora of languages and tools. Check out the tracks page, it's huge!

Programming challenges are great exercises, and are a really fun way to get into a new language and try it out, as you don't have to come up with something non-trivial to work on, and will definitely get you to learn the ins and outs of the language and its standard library.

aviaryan profile image
Avi Aryan

Hey, you're the guy that wrote ClipJump! I just started using it a week ago. What a small world!

Haha, I am surprised people still find the need to use it, especially when Windows 10 included a similar feature natively.

I have tried Project Euler for some time, and yup, very math-based. I had to look up theorems for some questions. But it's okay since most of the problems are really elemental, that is, they don't require too much theory knowledge, but just that you need to be smart with math.