DEV Community

Discussion on: Safari 14 ships webp support. Are we nearing the end of PNG on the web?

zenulabidin profile image
Ali Sherief

It really depends on the image quality of WebP.

JPG is much more compressed than PNG so artifacts and blurriness in pictures is much bigger on JPG than on PNG, when you view the pictures at full size. If WebP has the same quality as PNG then I think it will be very beneficial for everyone to at least offer WebP as a fallback image option, because let's face it, you can't really extinguish PNG. Just look at how enduring the GIF format is for proof.

Similar to how Youtube offers WebM/VP9 videos for browsers along with MP4 in case a browser doesn't support one of them, although in this case we will see more of "Offer WebP first, if that fails, then fall back to PNG".