DEV Community

Discussion on: GitHub ditched jQuery

zanehannanau profile image
ZaneHannanAU • Edited

For the feed thing, you can use something similar to EventSource infinite pipe. Eg:

.list {
  display: flex;
  flex-flow: column-reverse nowrap;
.list > .item:nth-last-of-type(n+16) {
  display: none;
let l, o = new MutationObserver(_=>{
  while (l.childElementCount > 64) 
requestAnimationFrame(function m(){
  l = document.querySelector(".list")
  if (l) o.observe(l, {
    childList: true,
    subtree: false,
    attributes: false
  else requestAnimationFrame(m);

This is about the simplest one I can come up with btw. It's pretty dumb.