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Cover image for Find Courses for Learning (Submission for Hackathon)
Zain Ahmed
Zain Ahmed

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Find Courses for Learning (Submission for Hackathon)

What I built

A platform that will help people to find FREE courses related to their respective domain (frontend, backend, fullstack etc) from different resources like Udemy, Coursera, Youtube etc.

Category Submission: Search No More

App Link

I will deploy it soon, mean while it's an open source project you guys can clone and run the project for testing.




Full text search

Autocomplete search


Tech Stack: MERN Stack (React, Node.js, MongoDB Atlas)
On FrontEnd (React.js) i have use a basic folder structure to for CRUD operations, UI, API's calling etc, you can review below

Frontend codebase structure

On BackEnd (Node.js) i have use MRC structure (Model, Route, Controller). currently i have done all the functionality in a single "index.js" file for time save, I have also use to make a Realtime connection from Backend to Frontend for some features.

On Database, I have use MongoDB Atlas to save data and use the full-text-search and auto suggest search feature of MongoDB.


User can SignUp, Login & login as guest
User can search for free courses.
Courses will be free and from different resources like Udemy, Coursera, youtube etc.
Courses will be related to different domain like frontend, backend, devops, fullstack etc, with parent domain IT
User can filter courses on bases of search input
User will get some quick suggestions for search input to make search more quick.

Phase 2 Features

I will create/design a script to scrapping from different courses websites and will update database,
I will create a job using MongoDB Tigger feature which will update courses and.
check out video about this feature on my YouTube channel MongoDB Trigger

Link to Source Code

Find my course - Source Code

Permissive License



I was making a video on recession in the field of Software engineering for my Youtube Channel Yar Coder, and I thought why not to create a platform that will help people learn new things for their future so they will have more opportunities to explore & get job easily in this recession wave.

How I built it

My main focus was to make search more quick and easy so i decided to pick search category and explore the full text search & autocomplete feature in MongoDB Atlas.

Personal note

You can check out my YouTube channel for other IT related Tutorials.
Yar Coder

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