DEV Community

Yuqing Ma
Yuqing Ma

Posted on

MarkMap Correction

The code in the demo of markmap library from does not follows the grammar of Typescript. We need to correct some errors for it.

Code in markmap-hooks.tsx:
` import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
import { Transformer } from 'markmap-lib';
import { Markmap } from 'markmap-view';

const transformer = new Transformer();
const initValue = `# markmap

  • beautiful
  • useful
  • easy
  • interactive `;

export default function MarkmapHooks() {
const [value, setValue] = useState(initValue);
// Ref for SVG element
const refSvg = useRef(null);
// Ref for markmap object
const refMm = useRef(null);

useEffect(() => {
// Create markmap and save to refMm
if (refMm.current) return;
refMm.current = Markmap.create(refSvg.current);
}, [refSvg.current]);

useEffect(() => {
// Update data for markmap once value is changed
const mm = refMm.current;
if (!mm) return;
const { root } = transformer.transform(value);
}, [refMm.current, value]);

const handleChange = (e:any) => {

return (


I didn’t fix the error in markmap-class.tsx and used it as component so the code from index.tsx is different:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import MarkmapHooks from './markmap-hooks';
import './style.css';

function TryApp() {
const [type, setType] = useState('hooks');

const Component = MarkmapHooks ;
return (


export default TryApp;

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