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Cover image for Release0.2 week four

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Release0.2 week four

        The difficulty of this project is to be fast. The owner don't assign the issue to anyone and he only accept and merge the first PR that fixes correctly and well implements the issue following our contributing guidelines. So I must understand the project and the issue ASAP. At the same time, I have to upload the PR fist.

About the project

         MeiliSearch is a powerful, fast, open-source, easy to use and deploy search engine. Both searching and indexing are highly customizable. Features such as typo-tolerance, filters, and synonyms are provided out-of-the-box.Image description

About the issue

        In the API Reference, the examples for the distinct attributes are introduced with movie_id which is the primary key of the index. The MeiliSearch hits are always distinct according to the unique identifier: so the primary key is the only attribute you will never put as a distinct attribute. It does not help to understand the purpose of a distinct attribute. The issue would like to apply some changes in the .code-samples.meilisearch.yaml file at the root of the repository

How to do

First, Look for the get_distinct_attribute_1, update_distinct_attribute_1 and reset_distinct_attribute_1 in the .code-samples.meilisearch.yaml file, then change the index parameter from 'movies' to 'shoes'.
Image description

Second, Find the update_distinct_attribute_1 in the in the .code-samples.meilisearch.yaml file, then change the from "movie_id" to 'skuid'Image description


         The ability to read and understand code structures and issue is very important because the owner only accept and merge the first PR that fixes correctly and well implements the issue following our contributing guidelines. In the future, I must improve my reading comprehension speed.

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