DEV Community

Discussion on: Living alone, how do you cope up with anxiety, depression and stress from work or from the current events?

yellow1912 profile image

Depending on your personality, living alone can be a blessing. But we humans sometimes yearn for a human touch, so these are things that helped me:

  1. Doing exercise regularly (indoor is fine)
  2. Being easy on self (having a beer at the end of the day is fine)
  3. Keep yourself busy (personal projects etc that can keep your mind wandering)
  4. Pick up new hobby

You cannot go outside at all or don't want to? If you can go outside, even alone is fine. I also used to have lots of Yahoo messenger calls and chats to feel that I'm not alone (back in the day when Yahoo was still a thing). Now you have zoom, team, slack, discord, and so many more options.

penandpapers profile image

I'm able to go outside but having this thought in me that when I go outside I can get infected is what stopping me. Your totally right I should do more of video chatting my friends and family and pick up new hobby. Thank you! :D