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Discussion on: 4 Reasons To Stop Caring About Picking The “Best” Language / Framework To Learn - Read or Watch

xowap profile image
Rémy 🤖

While I fully agree that many frameworks can do the job, I would like to clarify something: technologies don't get a medal for showing up. PHP is an utter piece of crap and this comes from a place of long and sustained frustration.

Also some things might be more strategic than others. By example, I've seen fantastic ideas for web development in C++ but I wouldn't recommend going there anytime soon.

Also it's more about the kind of company you want to join. Big things will go Java/.NET, web agencies mostly PHP, startups will choose a hype JS framework and so on.

And finally I really like the point of the article: chill the fuck down and be ready to jump onto new things. All companies have so much internal things that are much bigger than frameworks anyways, the main goal is to learn how to learn.

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

Such a good phrase “Technologies don’t get a medal for showing up”

It’s an easy misconception, just like saying the number of GitHub stars something has is the indicator of it’s true position against other frameworks. It’s simply not - we need to look at these technologies in the context of the modern day. Just because Windows XP was still on loads of hospital machines doesn’t make it a good choice...

Picking strategically is definitely the best way to go, but not over-thinking your choice to the point of anxiety is most important. It’s not worth worrying about, you’ll be good with most recommended learning paths.

That’s indeed the point; relax, and have attain a mindset that adapting is fun and necessary in a world where technology moves at light speed (without jumping on the hype train of course!)

Also, we would have definitely agreed with you about PHP 10 years ago, but in the modern day there’s actually some awesome technologies emerging. Loads of the frameworks and CMS are garbage for most enterprise projects, but with the advent of Laravel, Vapor (Serverless PHP with insane scalability), Asynchronous Extensions and a lot more modern features getting in and modern patterns being used.

There are still a lot of missing features that you’d see in more mature OOP languages like C# and Java - and a ridiculous helper function naming and parameter scheme - but it really isn’t what it used to be.

Thanks so much for your comment!