DEV Community

Discussion on: Do you practice TDD?

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Rémy 🤖

I used to think that testing was totally useless, then I worked in a company that did no tests at all and everything broke all the fucking time. So I started to write tests and they brought immediate advantages:

  • Finding bugs
  • Finding regressions
  • Making sure the code is properly decoupled

At this time I started to write tests before writing the code. But I never managed to get the test right before the code. My coding process is two-stage:

  1. Code the thing grossly first to get the picture
  2. Burn everything and code it clean

Now that I'm writing this I suppose that I could have written tests between stage 1 and 2 instead of trying to do it at stage 1 but I didn't (also with time those stages became quite blurry)

But it doesn't matter because now most of what I do is front-end and testing is mostly pointless

  • Most things can't be tested (basically: the front-end should look like the design, but how do you test that?)
  • There is so many moving parts when you stop doing something trivial (reproducing the output of the API and working with translations for starters)
  • Overall it's cheaper to hire interns and have them run the tests manually
  • E2E testing is a setup nightmare (again many moving parts)
  • Some things I do don't even have tools to be tested (like instant services/chatbots)

In the end, I don't do TDD. It's not compatible with my work process and not compatible with the kind of work I produce.