DEV Community

Xavier Font profile picture

Xavier Font

Full Stack Web and App (Mobile/Desktop) Dev

Location Toronto, CA. Joined Joined on  github website


Business Student at Business Student

Encrypt in frontend -> Decrypt Backend (Flutter (encrypt) to String Boot (decrypt)) Getting Messy

Encrypt in frontend -> Decrypt Backend (Flutter (encrypt) to String Boot (decrypt)) Getting Messy

1 min read
Store SSE (Server-Sent Events) to Redis

Store SSE (Server-Sent Events) to Redis

1 min read
Pass Bearer Token on GET Request on EITHER Google Chrome / Safari / FireFox / Etc

Pass Bearer Token on GET Request on EITHER Google Chrome / Safari / FireFox / Etc

1 min read
REDIS/SPRING-BOOT: Have object (in my case SseEmitter) as part of object that is stored in Redis

REDIS/SPRING-BOOT: Have object (in my case SseEmitter) as part of object that is stored in Redis

1 min read
Ditch Web Sockets for WebRTC using Spring Boot

Ditch Web Sockets for WebRTC using Spring Boot

1 min read
A Change in UserDetails Not Updating Database

A Change in UserDetails Not Updating Database

1 min read
Create list of objects inside the class of which the object from which the list is made belongs to

Create list of objects inside the class of which the object from which the list is made belongs to

1 min read
How can I access a property of my object Thymeleaf (Spring Boot)

How can I access a property of my object Thymeleaf (Spring Boot)

1 min read
Running sudo command without password (Mac OS)

Running sudo command without password (Mac OS)

Comments 1
1 min read
Why is spotifyd daemon failing to start

Why is spotifyd daemon failing to start

1 min read
'Your connection is not private' Google Cloud Platform

'Your connection is not private' Google Cloud Platform

1 min read
How can I detect when an element is at a certain part of the screen JavaScript

How can I detect when an element is at a certain part of the screen JavaScript

1 min read
Display only one of my two sections of the code randomly on website JavaScript (but taking the same place)

Display only one of my two sections of the code randomly on website JavaScript (but taking the same place)

1 min read