DEV Community

Discussion on: Technical skills software engineers must have

woubuc profile image
Wouter • Edited

This post reads like plain keyword-stuffing. You're just throwing a bunch of names and concepts out there without qualifying (a) what they are, (b) why everyone must learn them, (c) and what level of knowledge you deem they must have in order to qualify.

An example of what I mean: for devops engineers, you've listed "protocols". Do I need to know the practical application of the protocols used in the stack(s) I'm working with? Or do I need to be able to recite the RFCs, specs & standards of every protocol I've ever come in contact with? I'm exaggerating of course, but this sort of nuance is extremely important in order to prevent gatekeeping.

Your post is not doing new developers any favours. Yes, if you're a senior software engineer, you've probably come across all of these things and you've learned at least a little about most of them. But there is simply no way a junior developer in their first job must have intricate knowledge of everything you listed. And as it is right now, your post doesn't reflect that nuance at all.

sabir001 profile image
Sharafat Ahmed Sabir • Edited

I wanted to make this article small and easier to read.

For now, I have added a disclaimer.