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Wolfcrossy (pronouns he/him)
Wolfcrossy (pronouns he/him)

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Upgrading Basic Python Scripts

So, I'm no python engineer, but I'm kinda good at it. So here goes nothing. I will be upgrading 1 basic script and from the Programming With Mosh begginers
python in 1 hour tutorial (and one bonus), explaining them, and then upgrading them.
BTW, for reference I am using PyCharm Community to write these. Finally the upgraded versions and non upgraded versions will be saved on my Github (DiamondBroPlayz)

Here is Programming With Mosh's version:

birth_year = input("Enter your birth year: ")
age = 2022 - int(birth_year)

Pretty simple to understand, takes use input at the top, then makes a variable to store a math equations output, and prints that variable, or if you didn't
understand that then here's it with comments (courtesy of me):

Storing birth year

birth_year = input("Enter your birth year: ")

Doing the math equation

age = 2022 - int(birth_year)

Outputing the results


If you still can't understand it, then this isn't the blog for you. This is a coding focused blog.

Now to upgrade it, my first idea was just checking the exact year since it in its current state it just prays that it's 2022. But when I looked farther into my
"Upgraded" code I just found more and more stuff I could improve, so here it is: (NOTE: The github repo includes both versions)

I'll show the code side to side and then explain it.

NEW (My upgrading of my upgrading) OLD (Mosh's unmodified (Besides the year) version)
try: birth_year = input('What is your birth year? ') birth_year = input("Enter your birth year: ")
import datetime age = 2022 - int(birth_year)
except ImportError: print(age)
import subprocess
subprocess.check_call(['python', '-m', 'pip', 'install', 'datetime'])

Fullfill requirenments

from datetime import date


today =
year = today.year


Asking for user input

while True:
birth_year = int(input('What is your birth year? '))
if birth_year > year:
print("Your birth year cannot be in the future.")
elif birthyear < 1900:
print("Your birth year is too far in the past.")
except ValueError:
print('Please input a valid birth year.')

Doing the math:

age = year - birth_year

Printing results

if age == 0:
print('You are 0 years old today! (That is definentley a fake age)')
print(f"You are {age} years old today.")

As you can see, my version is signifigantly better! I had a bit of help from ChatGPT, but I did a lot of it myself.
The new features:
Automatically checking for "datetime" (needed because of year-checking) and installing if it's not already installed
Checking if the year is valid with a range
More that I don't wanna list
Now, of course this is way larger, but if you needed this for some reason then it's good! Now the explanation, I can't plausably fit it in this. But, it will be
included in the github repo

That's it! There's some more in the github repo.
Github: DiamondBroPlayz
Youtube: DiamondBroPlayz

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