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Discussion on: What parts of CSS confuse you?

wheatup profile image

Don't know where they come yet don't know what they do


brob profile image
Bryan Robinson

Nice meme :D

Those properties could probably be enough for an entire series since they work for flex and grid slightly differently.

Not sure I can do better than the complete guides to Flexbox and Grid on CSS Tricks, though:

Take a look at those and let me know if that meets your needs or if a different type of explanation would be better

wheatup profile image

Wow thank you :D

Guess it's time to face my fear and dive into it

Thread Thread
brob profile image
Bryan Robinson

Those CSS Tricks resources were amazingly helpful to me when I started learning Grid and Flex. Make something simple on CodePen and try things out.

When I say super simple, I'm talking colored boxes on the page. Great thing about playing in something like this is there's nothing to break, so no need to worry :D

In fact, here's a quick CodePen that you can fork if you want and play around: