DEV Community

[Comment from a deleted post]
webdevchallenges profile image
Marc • Edited

Honest feedback and personal opinion:

  • I'd prefer other/better button styles - looks kinda default to me
  • Also other/better input/textarea styles (take a look at other websites for inspiration)
  • The "ABOUT ME" Section does need a container - it is a good practice in terms of ui/ux to limit the width of text containers heavily. Otherwise the text becomes really hard to read. Consider putting two text containers next to each other instead of one big one.
  • The DEV and Github logo in the bottom does need margin bottom - it sticks to the bottom edge of the black container. Or the Black container needs bottom padding
  • Consider adding hierarchy by using different font weights (e.g. "ABOUT ME" bolder and the text itself less bold)
  • The swiper was confusing to me at first until I read the "Swipe the image" instruction - could be me though ;)
  • Consider removing the colons after "ABOUT ME" and "Feedback"

  • I like the animations!

missadev profile image

Omg, thanks for taking the time to saw that details, I will make the changes hoping good results. I truly appreciate your honesty Marc :D