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What plants grow in the North Pole?

Arctic plants come in different forms. There are up to more than 1,700 plant species that live in the North Pole region. Lichens and mosses are the most popular plant species there which can be seen in both desert and tundra biomes. They primarily live and grow on the rocks’ underside. Flowering plants also live in this area.
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Besides, shrubs, forbs, and grasses are other types of plants surviving in the Arctic tundra. There tend to be more shrubs in the southern area of the Arctic, while its northern part features less plant cover. In addition, tussock grasses and cotton grasses also live in the wet areas of the Arctic tundra.
These are some of the most common plant species found in the North Pole. Now you know what plants grow in the North Pole and the Arctic area, right? Let’s move on to the next part of this writing to learn how they can survive under very severe weather conditions.

Shrubs, forbs, and grasses are other types of plants surviving in the Arctic tundra
How the Arctic plants survive in severely cold weather?
In most cold-weather areas all over the world, plants go dormant during wintertime. And due to the extremely cold weather of the North Pole, many plants growing there are dormant for more than half of the year. Well, they just wake up and grow again when summers come. Of course, it’s never easy to survive the harsh winters. But the plants growing in completely different ways than plants living in warmer areas so that they can survive so well even in the coldest time of winter. Arctic plants grow so slow instead of tall, they have small leaves and can use a little sunlight for photosynthesis.
Here are what plants grow in the North Pole!
Featured icy cold weather throughout most of the year, what do you think the plant life in the Arctic is? Is this area homes to a lot of plant species? Indeed, the Arctic has quite diverse plant life. We know it might sound kind of weird but that’s the truth. Check out this article now to know what plants grow in the North Pole and the Arctic. There will be a lot of amazing facts about Arctic plants for you to explore right below here. And here they are!

In the Arctic, summers are cold or even just cool, and, winters are extremely cold
The icy cold weather in the North Pole region
For sure, the weather at the world’s northernmost point is like what all of us imagine. That’s a place of icy cold and very harsh weather conditions for organisms to live and grow.
It’s really cold in this area no matter whether it’s summertime or wintertime. Summers are cold or even just cool, and, winters are extremely cold.
In winters, the temperature there is just about -30°F (-34°C) while that in the summer is higher, between 37-54°F ( 3-12°C). Generally speaking, Arctic winters are cold and long while its summers are short and less cold. Besides, the Arctic’s coastal parts are actually warmer than in the center of the North Pole.
The Arctic does not see a lot of rainfall which is almost always in form of snow. Actually, there is snow or frost on the land throughout most of the year. This is due to the temperatures are not warm and high enough to melt the ice often. So, what plants grow in the North Pole in such severe weather conditions?

More than 1,700 plant species that live in the North Pole region

As you can see, the Arctic is home to a lot of different plant species in spite of the extreme cold and harsh weather conditions. That’s really amazing, right? And that’s it for this post. Hope that you found this article “Here are what plants grow in the North Pole!” informative and interesting.

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