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Discussion on: How To Get Black Working in PyCharm in 2021

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker • Edited

What version of vim are you on? Some options I've had success with to get the red underline is ALE or the native lsp in nvim. I am really digging the native lsp in nvim 0.5.0, but as its still only in nightly it there is not quite as much content around it, so setting it up has taken more time than I'd like to admit that I spent on it. ALE is something that I installed long ago and didn't realize all the great things it does until shortly before uninstalling it. ALE feels quite battle tested and seemed like it did a lot out of the box. There was a setting or two that felt annoying that I changed, but it was pretty minimal compared to the current state of native lsp or coc.vim.

Here is what some errors look like on my setup.

I'm trying to swich from pyright to pyls as it will allow me to use mypy for type checking. Currently pyright complains about a bunch of pandas stuff that mypy does not. pyright seems to work with the least config though if you are already on nvim 0.5.0

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zev profile image
Zev Averbach

Mmm, depends on whether I'm doing work or personal stuff, but I think I switched back to Vim 8-point-something from nvim 0.4.something a couple months ago. I used Ale for quite a while for linting + fixing, it worked fine. Also, the vim emulation in Jetbrains lacks some pretty important things, like it won't autocomplete a word if it happens to exist as a variable but you're trying to complete it in a string. There are a few other things like that.