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LESS Responsive Login Form

Here we used LESS(CSS Preprocessor) to make this simple and attractive login form with the help of HTML/CSS and LESS features. As we use SASS/SCSS to make the login form the same as we used LESS to make this form.

What is LESS?

LESS is a dynamic CSS Preprocessor for do CSS code in the min and generate CSS files and use an HTML page. As we compare to SASS and LESS, mostly both are the same in functionally wise and features wise but the main point is that the written pattern is different. In a LESS we used “@” for variable and other features like mixing and nesting are the same as SASS/SCSS.

In this login form, we used a simple HTML form tag with an input and button tag, and normally we used CSS properties. For doing the login form in LESS we use nesting rules and for colors we used variables. For making responsive we also used media quires.

Make it yours now by using it, downloading it, and please share it. we will design more elements for you.

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