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Discussion on: What is your favorite editor and why?

vonheikemen profile image

This is funny. My favorite is Neovim but i can't use it right now for everything.

So i'm using Sublime text just because it can adjust the indentation per file automatically.

Favorite extensions

  • NvMode: Not Vim Mode. I made it. The idea is to enable modal editing and bind native sublime commands to keys in "command mode" (the equivalent of vim's normal mode). It doesn't try to emulate vim, better plugins have tried and failed, so it is just an aggresive keymap configuration and a handful of custom commands. Since is a plugin it can be extended even more with your own config (like i did). And by the way, to install it you just clone it inside the sublime packages folder.

  • AceJump: Allows you to move the cursor to any character to any place currently on screen.

With those two modal editing in sublime is not that bad. I got what i need from both worlds.