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Discussion on: Experienced developers, how do you go about learning new frameworks?

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Heiker • Edited

One thing that i've tried before is solve a problem or build something i already know by heart. For example the TodoMVC, i'm sure everyone is sick of tutorials that use a todo app, but it is a really good exercise when you do it on your own, because you already know the solution to the problem, you just need to implemented with the framework you're trying to learn.

When trying to learn redux i created my own implementation and used it in a todo app (i also used lit-html just to keep things interesting). When finished i learned a lot a about redux, redux-thunk and lit-html.


I remembered another example. So, i use cmus as my music player, it is so "lightweight" that it doesn't have an option to display desktop notification when a song starts playing. When trying to learn about Rust i made this thing as an exercise.