DEV Community

Discussion on: Ditch VSCode for neovim

vonheikemen profile image
Heiker • Edited

You're not missing too much by not using tmux. Find yourself a terminal that supports tabs and split panes and you're done. I used cmder in the past, it was good and supports split panes.

There is also the new windows terminal, which is called windows terminal. That also looks good. Or maybe one of those electron based terminal like this one.

Another thing you can try is use neovim itself as a replacement for tmux. Using neovim-qt and this plugin.

casonadams profile image
Cason Adams • Edited

nvimux looks pretty awesome thanks for the suggestion! Alacritty terminal is the only terminal that doesn’t have lag. Most of those electron based ones are super laggy! They are awesomely full featured, but with that there are trade offs.

I really love tmux because I can use it as a server and pair program:)

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carlosarmmag profile image
Carlos Magalhães

I really hate lags in terminals. One of the main reasons I did not switch to VSCode!
RStudio has the best terminal IDE I found so far!