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Vivek Singh
Vivek Singh

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MERN Interview Questions asked to me in Various Interviews.

JavaScript: (for the answer of these javascript Questions Click here)

  1. Can you provide an overview of your experience with JavaScript?
  2. Is JavaScript a statically or dynamically typed language?
  3. Can you explain the difference between the slice and splice methods in JavaScript?
  4. Why do we use both the POST and GET methods in HTTP, and is it possible to perform all actions using only POST?
  5. Can you provide an overview of how promises work in JavaScript?
  6. Can you highlight some of the new features introduced in JavaScript ES6?
  7. Can you provide an example of class inheritance in JavaScript?
  8. Can you describe the event loop in Node.js and how it works?
  9. Is Node.js a single-threaded or multi-threaded language?
  10. Can you compare and contrast the map and forEach methods in JavaScript?
  11. What is the difference between JSON and BSON?
  12. Can you define what a callback function is in JavaScript?
  13. Can you explain the concept of callback hell in JavaScript?
  14. Can you compare and contrast Angular and React?
  15. Can you explain the concept of the Document Object Model (DOM)?
  16. Can you differentiate between the virtual DOM and the real DOM in React?
  17. Can you describe the differences between the find and filter methods in JavaScript?
  18. How can we find the index of an element in an array in JavaScript?
  19. Can you describe different techniques for removing elements from an array in JavaScript, and how can we count the number of keys or properties in an object?
  20. How can we delete a property from an object in JavaScript, and how can we generate a random number?
  21. Can you explain the difference between the spread operator and rest operator in JavaScript?

React:(for the answer of these React Questions Click here)

  1. Can you provide an overview of your experience with React?
  2. Can you explain the purpose of the ref attribute in the lifecycle of a functional component in React?
  3. Can you explain the purpose and use of the Context API in React?
  4. How does Redux differ from the useState hook in React, and when should we use one over the other?
  5. Can you describe the different types of components in React?
  6. Can you explain the concept of a virtual DOM in React and its benefits?
  7. Is the shadow DOM the same as the virtual DOM?
  8. Can you list some common lifecycle methods in React?
  9. Can you explain the concept of a pure component in React?
  10. Can you describe the constructor in a React component and its purpose?
  11. Can you explain the concept of data dependency injection in React?
  12. Can you differentiate between function-based and class-based components in React?
  13. Can you explain the differences between the useMemo and useRef hooks in React?
  14. Can you list five popular libraries for React?
  15. What is the useState method in React?

NodeJS:(for the answer of these NodeJS Questions Click here)

  1. Can you provide an overview of your experience with Node.js?
  2. Can you explain the concept of middleware in Node.js?
  3. Can you describe the concept of a pipeline in Node.js?
  4. Can you explain the purpose of the Buffer class in Node.js?
  5. Can you explain the purpose of the module.exports object in Node.js?
  6. How can we access the resolved value of a promise in Node.js if one of the functions within the promise chain throws an error?

MongoDB: (for the answer of these MongoDB Questions Click here)

  1. Can you provide an overview of your experience with MongoDB?
  2. Can you explain the concept of indexing in MongoDB and how it can improve query performance?
  3. Can you describe the purpose of aggregation in MongoDB and why it was introduced?
  4. How can we merge two collections in MongoDB?
  5. What is CORS and how does it relate to MongoDB

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