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Discussion on: SOLID: Liskov Substitution Principle

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Victor Manuel Pinzon

But what if you want to have an account type where you can withdraw() but not deposit()?

I don't know of any type of bank account that allows withdrawals but no deposits. That's why in the post's example I designed the classes with the deposit method as the fundamental method in all bank account. Now, let's suppose that some crazy dude from product development department asks you to implement a bank account type that allows only withdrawals (even when I don't see any business case there), in that case, yes it is better to have separate interfaces and that separation is pretty much the "interface segregation principle" which is also part of the SOLID principles.

I understand you could do a bunch of runtime reflection in Java, but in the article you only did the negative check instanceof LongTermAccount to skip some, not check if withdrawals are positively supported.

Yes, you're right, I could've used reflection in order to validate if the class supported the withdraw method. But remember, reflection is mostly used when we want to inspect a class during runtime and we don't know the class specification or we don't have access to the code. My question is, why would you want to enforce the "withdrawal" validation during runtime using reflection, when you have full access to the code and you could easily enforce that during compilation time by changing the design of your classes?

Remember, SOLID principles are just guidelines not rules. I'm not saying that your independent trait solution is wrong, I'm just saying that is not LSP compliant.

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