DEV Community

Banoth Upender
Banoth Upender

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Launch Linux machine-EC2

Launch Linux machine

Create new EC2 Machine --

If any key pairs - delete
If any security groups - delete ( except default )

Storage ( 30 gb for windows , 8 gb for linux )
Security Group ( RDP for windows, SSH for Linux )

AMI - Amazon Linux 2 ---> T2.micro --> No of instance 2 -- tag - MyLinux ---> Change security group Security group name - LinSG , Description - LinSG ( optional ) - Review launch -- Create new keypair -- download key pair -- View Instances

Observation - Two machines created.
Lets change the names to MyLinux-1, MyLinux-2

Credentials required for windows machines are ( dns, username and password )

We use putty tool , to connect to linux machine.
And, putty required ppk file ( Putty private key )
So, we need to convert .pem file to .ppk file.

We use puttygen to get the ppk file.

Download from google using the keywords "putty and puttygen"

Under alternate binary files
select putty.exe ( 64 bit )
select puttygen.exe ( 64 bit )

Open puttygen -- load -- Save private key -- Save key without passphrase ( Yes ) -- Save

Credentials required for putty --
Hostname - username@dns ( We get this from ssh command )

select SSH -- Auth - selecy ppk file using browse option --> Open

username is - ec2-user ( We get this from ssh command )

Now lets connect to 2nd linux machine

We do not need to conver the pem to ppk, as both the machines have same pem file.

Right click on title bar of putty -- new session -- provide details -- change colors ( for easy identification )

Note: Both machines have different DNS names.
Terminate both the machines

Session terminated abnormaly.

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