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Discussion on: React authentication, simplified

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Tyler Warnock • Edited

Thanks for your thoughtful response @wparad !

For context, we are building Userfront for simplicity and usability in the vast majority of use cases. In doing so, we use defaults like userId instead of sub so that it makes sense to most developers without having to delve into confusing terminology. We will eventually introduce the ability to format tokens to different standards for specific use cases like you mentioned, but for now we present it as simply as possible. It's worth pointing out that all are valid JWTs according to the JWT specification.

Would love to hear more about your comments on the jsonwebtoken library. It is easily the most popular library and why we recommend it. What do you not like about it?

For RSA, that is the NSA's recommendation, so that's what we use. You'll have a tough time convincing us otherwise!