DEV Community

Discussion on: Debugging philosophy; goals of testing; & mistakes junior devs make

tuwang profile image

Fix the cause of this anomaly, not the symptoms.

That's such a critical mindset to have! I have seen junior engineers super relying on the debugger such that they can fix the data somehow, but they pay less attention to the fundamental causes:

  • perhaps the entire workflow is wrong
  • maybe the function should be refactored
  • or the unit test points out an actual bug!
mohanarpit profile image
Arpit Mohan

I completely agree! A lot of times, I've seen developers fix a NullPointerException by adding a null check before the function invocation. But the variable should never have been null in that location!

Longer term fixes such as investigating the workflow, figuring out data issues go a long way in building a robust system instead of immediate symptomatic fixes.