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Discussion on: Notes on ECMAScript 6 (ES6)

tunaxor profile image
Angel Daniel Munoz Gonzalez

Great notes!
If I may add: regarding to classes you might want to try something like this if you want to accept an options like constructor

class SomeClass {
  constructor(options) {
    Object.assign(this, options);
    // if you want required properties you may want to if check here
    // and throw if required props are not present

  toString() {
    return Object.entries(this)
      .map(([key, value]) => `[${key}: ${value}]`)
      .reduce((last, current) => `${last ? `${last}, ` :  ''}${current}`,'')

const some = new SomeClass({propA: 'this is a', propB: 'this is b'});
//"[propA: this is a], [propB: this is b]"

of course if you are using typescript you can extend that to use an interface and ensure you only accept what is required.

hardy613 profile image
Scott Hardy

What are your thoughts on iterator as a protocol and not an interface?

tunaxor profile image
Angel Daniel Munoz Gonzalez

it is pretty useful, I think it has become better to work with collections, if you have teamates with python background, they can easily recognize [...someIterable] also it lets you do some stuff like const keys = [...Object.keys(myObj)] without for in or for each
also for people that isn't too much into functional methods like map, reduce, ans such, for of is quite a savior.

on the protocol vs interface, I think protocol is better suited in jsland where interfaces only exist on agreements (which some times not everyone agrees the same thing), not enforced in code.