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My Goals at Zuri Internship Program


I am Abdulkair Toyyib Inuolaji, a software developer with 5 years of playing with code experience. Apart from UI development (Frontend), I am a full-stack developer, from backend to backend. I prioritize functionality to UI, that's why I love backend development a lot. I have always wanted to do learn UI development, but all I see online is the theory and principles of design, then I found the Zuri Internship Program, and I applied, then was selected, and here is my first task.


There are 10 stages in the Zuri Internship Program starting from stage 1, participants who can graduate from stage 1 to 10 within 8 weeks will be select for an internship program. Here is my first task to move to stage 2. To know more about the Zuri Internship Program, click here.

My Goals at Zuri

  1. At the end of the 8 weeks program with Zuri, I should be able to develop a complex mobile app UI using flutter, with complex animations and user experience interactions.
  2. I want to have a network of co-developer who can work together to develop solutions, as the saying, 'Your network is your net worth'.

So Help Me God.

Do you want to learn Mobile App Development using flutter, UI development using figma or web development? these tutorial below will get you started.

Flutter Tutorial

Flutter tutorial

Figma Tutorial

Flutter tutorial

Web Development Tutorial

Flutter tutorial

Congratulations you have reached the end of this article. I am very happy ☺️☺️☺️ you got here. Feel free to leave a comment below, also advice is also welcome for improvement as this is my first article.

Top comments (1)

dev_toykam profile image

This is great Toyyib, Keep it up.