DEV Community

Torrey Thomas
Torrey Thomas

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Day 2: Taking the time to really learn the basics.

I think that a lot of developers mean well when they say that new coders shouldn't waste too much time doing things like trying to memorize css classes and html tags. I've read many articles where developers say that they regret all the time that they spent doing CSS challenges and trying to memorize good html markup. They say that they should have focused more on learning by applying and knowing that they could just look the entries up when they need.

I think that this outlook should be taken with a grain of salt. Using the fact that most things can be searched on Stack Overflow when there's an issue, can be a powerful tool, but also become the crutch that newbie developers like me tend to rely on. This dangerously begins to feel like progress when in actuality, the sites that i'm creating aren't even semantically written, and that is a huge problem. See, the time that these developer's are saying they "wasted" wasn't actually wasted time. Even if they believe that they could've focused on other projects sooner, the extra time they took to go over the basic, menial, and "easy" code skills is what allowed them to work on their larger projects without having to worry about how to make a page responsive or whether to use flex or grid, because they know the skills and which work best like the back of their hand.

I want a job as bad as the next 20 year old broke guy does, but letting that wish and desire control my timing is what can really leave me with the huge gaps that I have in my knowledge. The funny thing is, here I am, beginning to code again from the start to truly learn the skills without rushing. Had I "wasted" my time by studying HTML and CSS earlier, maybe everything would've came a bit easier.

I know that I said I would focus on my progress, but today I really wanted to just let anyone reading this know, don't rush . Take your time, learn the skills, and be patient. Your time will come, and when it does, no matter when it does, it will be right on time. That's what I am believing moving forward.

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