DEV Community

Discussion on: How Do I Resolve Merge Conflicts?

tobisgd profile image

I am glad that I can use a proper IDE, working with JetBrains-IDEs make this stuff so much easier, where you have full Git integration with a proper side-by-side diff-view and can apply or dismiss changes with a single click.

blackgirlbytes profile image
Rizèl Scarlett

Interesting! I'll have to look into how JetBrains does it. I wouldn't describe VS code as hard. They have the option to see it side by side. You can apply and dismiss the changes in one click there as well, but if you're newer to version control ..the terminology of "current changes" or "incoming changes" can seem confusing.

Here's a post about the different ways to handle merge conflicts in different IDEs..might be interesting to compare those to JetBrains:

mattiasnixell profile image
Mattias Nixell

Using Jetbrains products' git integration is like having a dishwasher instead of doing dishes by hand. You really can't live without it once you have it, because it makes life so easy! It's simply amazing!

blackgirlbytes profile image
Rizèl Scarlett

Oh wow! Okay, I'm sold!

neatshell profile image
Claudio Stella

I think this is THE reason why I've never really switched to VSCode. And I cannot understand why is so difficult to provide a plugin that handles the conflicts like JetBrains-IDEs do.

aquatofana profile image
Aqua Tofana

I mean, there's gitlens on VScode.. you can compare your code with the last commit and easily handle conflicts.