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Discussion on: Let's Solve: Code Challenge - Picking Numbers

tobias_salzmann profile image
Tobias Salzmann • Edited

I like the approach! Maybe a bit of feedback:

The necessity of using comments to structure code is often an indication for a function being too long. Your code is already well structured, so you can directly extract the parts of your code as functions:

function main() {
    var numbers = readInput();
    var numberCounts = constructAndPopulateMap(numbers);
    var maxSum = findMaxSumOfAdjacentNumbers(numberCounts);


function readInput() {
  var n = parseInt(readLine());
  a = readLine().split(' ');
  a =;
  return a;

function constructAndPopulateMap(numbers){
  var map = new Array(100);

  for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++){

  return map;

function findMaxSumOfAdjacentNumbers(map) {
  var max = 0;
  for(var i = 1; i < map.length; i++){
    if(map[i] + map[i - 1] > max){
      max = map[i] + map[i - 1];
  return max;
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This has several benefits:

  • no comments needed
  • Variables are scoped appropriately.
  • You can easily test the parts of your program.
  • Improved readability

Here's a solution (minus the parsing) using exclusively functions from the utility library ramda. Each number is assigned to 2 potential clusters and all that's left is to find the most common cluster.
There is quite some functional lingo in there, but it doesn't require much javascript knowledge.

const largestCluster = (numbers) => {
  const countByValue = reduceBy(inc, 0)(identity)
  const maxOccurences = pipe(countByValue, values, reduce(max, 0))

  const clusters = chain(n => [[n-1, n], [n, n + 1]])(numbers)
  return maxOccurences(clusters)
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