DEV Community

Discussion on: How to build xv6-riscv on mac

tingwei628 profile image

Here is a RISC-V "Hello World" example

Step 1: write rv-hello.s

.global _start                                                                                      

_start: addi  a0, x0, 1
        la    a1, helloworld
        addi  a2, x0, 13
        addi  a7, x0, 64

        addi    a0, x0, 0
        addi    a7, x0, 93

helloworld:      .ascii “Hello World!\n” 
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Step2: assemble rv-hello.s and link

riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -o rv-hello rv-hello.s -nostdlib -static
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Step3: run the program

riscv64-unknown-elf-run rv-hello
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

// Hello World!