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Discussion on: How to Improve Writing Skills as a Non-Native Speaker

thorstenhirsch profile image
Thorsten Hirsch

I found the book "The Elements of Style" (Strunk, White) very helpful for improving my writing skills.

ilonacodes profile image
Ilona Codes

Thank you for the link 🙏 I bought it already! 🙂

tomfern profile image
Tomas Fernandez

The Elements of Style is definitely a classic, but I find newer books like The Sense of Style better suited for modern English. Also, I also highly recommend On Writing Well for a more fun yet educational read.

Grammarly is very useful, I use the premium plan, but we can't blindly follow all its corrections. I find particularly nagging its stubbornness to flag passive voice as incorrect. Passive voice has its place in the English language and is sometimes the best alternative to say something.