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Discussion on: What device to get for learning?

thomasjunkos profile image
Thomas Junkツ

It depends on my learning mode.

  • When I am in the intense learner mode where I actually read big chunks of text, I usually use my Pad (Huawei M3)

  • when I am in the scanner mode, reading articles, blog posts, watching conference videos etc. I do it on my phone or my pad

  • when I am in the hands on mode I read at the laptop with console and vscode open

My Kindle paperwhite is for non tech books.

ekafyi profile image

It's interesting that you use separate devices (Pad and Kindle) for technical and non technical materials! Anyway I think I've settled on an iPad Mini... the best of both worlds I guess.

thomasjunkos profile image
Thomas Junkツ

On top: I use my kindle only in the bedroom. That helps me separating the contexts of "working" and "relaxation".