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Giving Thanks for Diversity in Tech: Angie Jones


Angie Jones is a San Francisco-based Senior Developer Advocate at Applitools, as well as the Director of Test Automation University, a free, community-driven educational program that provides training to test automation teams.

A Master Inventor, Angie currently holds 26 patents across both the United States as well as China, and has garnered a reputation as a leading innovator in the tech community through not only her work, but also her regular international speaking engagements.

Angie has delivered talks on topics ranging from visual testing, to clean code, and even testing AI-enabled applications, having recently spoken on large international stages, including Selenium Conference in Chicago, STAREAST Testing Conference in Orlando, and Agile Testing Days in Potsdam, Germany, just to name a few.

Not only a prolific speaker and creator, Angie also finds time to volunteer with Black Girls Code, an organization through which she hosts workshops for young women interested in getting into web development.

Angie has a very busy 2020 on the horizon, with upcoming talks at JSConf Hawaii, Devnexus, TSQA, SauceCon, STPCon, RenderATL, and Agile Testing Days. We can’t wait to see what else she will accomplish in the new year!

Want to keep up with everything Angie is doing in 2020? You can follow her at @techgirl1908!

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