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Discussion on: My first React 'aha' moment. Is this an antipattern?

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I did read about that in the docs and dismissed it as something I didn't need to worry about for this scenario, but as you've pointed out, I could end up running into this issue if I implemented a max size on the output. So thanks for highlighting this to me, nitpicking is helpful :)

Hmmm, so I guess to get a unique key in this scenario I could increment an id counter when appending objects to the output collection, like a primary key. The db analogy seems to help me figure this stuff out lol.

On the note of nitpicking: I turned on some linters yesterday and got a bunch of warnings, so I've found a few ways to improve the code in the example. I think the main one is not accessing state when trying to update it, so I've moved concatenating the output collection to a callback:

moku.stdout.on('data', data => {
  if (data.length > 0) {
    this.setState(prevState => ({
      isRunning: true,
      output: prevState.output.concat({
        type: 'stdout',
        data: data.toString(),

I've also learnt about destructing arguments. These linters are very educational :p