DEV Community

Discussion on: If I don't use React, am I still a developer?

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Anton Korzunov

JavaScript is what I am doing at work for the last 10 years.
React is what I am doing at work for the last 3 years.
I am a Senior React Developer, deal with it.

My Senior PHP Developer and Senior C++ Developer alter egos are helping me with :tableflip:, :outofhere:, and maintain more critical opinion about any decision I made.

TLDR - React, and obsession with any other single thing, is the worst thing could happen to you as a developer. "Use the platform" === "don't forget about the vast world around you".

  • Just how in the world does one keep up with it all?

Poorly. Let me be honest - poorly.

  • If I don't keep up, will I still be taken seriously as a developer?

By serious developers? For sure.

  • Is there a place in the dev community for those who are marketers first, and developers second?

Unfortunately, they are on the top.

  • Is becoming full stack out of the question?

React full stack developer? :badpockerface: good luck :P

  • And alas, if I don't use React, am I still a developer?

100% Developer first, React developer second.