DEV Community

Discussion on: Calling all Full-Stack Haters

thejoezack profile image
Joe Zack

When I first started making websites (before anybody called them "apps") there was a lot of fuss around how web developers weren't "real" developers so perhaps I've always had a chip on my shoulder about the gate keeping.

I've now had the pleasure of working with devs who have a lot of different strengths and I've grown to really appreciate the differences. Now if I can just remember that wholesome attitude next time I see a pull request I don't like. ;)

(also, I think you are spot on about the DBAs)

scott_yeatts profile image
Scott Yeatts

Oh man... That chip on the shoulder is REAL. I STILL look out for the phrase "just the frontend" and it brings me back to discussions about Javascript as a "toy" language or how "web developers are JUST writing markup".

To this day I find it. I had a manager try to waterfall out a project, and allocated literally 5 days of work to the frontend (don't worry, we got a Scrum Master REAL quick after this haha... our manager's great about supporting us, even if it's not his experience after 20+ years of java-land).

But it's led me to really fight against anyone who tries to be a gate-keeper. Development thrives the more people we can get. It's the old guy's job to make sure the junior/mid sect is growing and getting better, not to slap them down when they make a mistake :D

They also tend to have great insight on the latest tools, and we can temper that with knowledge of pitfalls we passed long ago. (I feel like "The Circle of Life" should be playing right now...)