DEV Community

Why You Should Do #100DaysOfCode

Caitlyn Greffly on October 07, 2019

If you're on Twitter, you've probably seen the hashtag #100DaysOfCode floating around. I'm here to encourage you to participate. When I first join...
kylerconway profile image
Kyle R. Conway

I'd actually been wondering about whether or not 100 days of code was a helpful thing to do. Admittedly, I was a little bit intimidated to even start because I'm relatively certain I won't be able to commit 100 uninterrupted days in a row to the task. Thanks for writing this and freeing my mind from the hard and fast rules. I may now (formally) begin my 100 days!

thecaitcode profile image
Caitlyn Greffly

Awesome!! Excited for ya!

theunisv profile image


Ended my Monday feeling super inspired after reading your post!
Good luck with your #100daysofcoding, I'm planning to start one myself with the whole #hacktoberfest in the air, and the dev community buzzing with so much motivation at the moment.
Happy coding!

nataliecodes profile image
natalie stroud

Great article! I feel like I win World's Worst Participant for this challenge haha. I started my challenge in March and I'm still finishing (oops) but I'm on Day 96.

thecaitcode profile image
Caitlyn Greffly

That's the thing tho, I don't think that matters. You can still look back and see your progress and you've still done so much! So close to 100 too!!