DEV Community

Discussion on: How many interviews do you take per week or per day or per month?

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Joe Mainwaring

Are 6-8 interviews a lot? That all depends on context that is missing from your question. What kind of context?

  • Are you filling one role, or a dozen roles?
  • What kind of engineer are you looking for? The more specialized the role, the harder it can be to find the right fit.
  • Will filling this role reduce the work assigned to you?
  • Is your organization having you interview with them as an introduction, or a further step in the process?
  • What purpose are you serving in the interview process? Examples: Looking for red flags, seeing if they have the skills for the job, seeing if they'd be a good fit with the team and culture

Now, if you're feeling stressed by the volume of interviews and your regular responsibilities haven't been adjusted to compensate for the loss of time, then I would encourage you to have a conversation with your manager. A good manager will work either adjust your workload, or reduce the number of interviews your fielding - based on what the priorities of the org are.

You could also ask your manager to schedule interviews during certain times of the day/week, that way you can focus on your daily responsibilities in-between interview blocks.

Generally speaking, it's rarely not in your favor to participate in the interview process. If you're being asked to interview candidates, it's likely because you'll have to work alongside them. This gives you a voice in the decision making process, one that becomes more valuable as you experience both good and bad team members.