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Laravel 8 Mobile Number OTP Authentication using Firebase

In this article, we will see laravel 8 mobile number OTP authentication using firebase. There are many types of autentication to login to different sites and applications. So, here we will see mobile number otp authentication using firebase in laravel 8.

So, let's see mobile number OTP authentication using firebase in laravel 8, firebase OTP auth, firebase OTP verification in laravel 8, OTP authentication using firebase in laravel 8, firebase phone authentication in laravel 8

We can use firebase otp authentication to sign in a user by sending an otp message to the user's phone and after firebase otp verification user can login respective website or application.

So, let's start OTP authentication using firebase in laravel 8 step by step

Step 1 : Create Firebase Project for Laravel 8 Mobile Number OTP Authentication using Firebase

Step 2 : Install Laravel 8 

Step 3 : Create Route

Step 4 : Create Controller

Step 5 : Create Blade File
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Read More: Laravel 8 Mobile Number OTP Authentication using Firebase

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