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Deep dive into z-index

Without Z-index (Default order)

Reference: Stacking without the z-index property - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN

The number(#) is the order of appearance in the HTML
Image 2021-08-21 at 9.20.15 AM

Main points

  • Elements are rendered in the order of appearance in the HTML
  • Positioned elements come on top of non-positioned elements (#5 comes the very bottom)

Using Z-index

Reference: Using z-index - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN

Image 2021-08-21 at 9.26.04 AM

Main points

  • The higher z-index elements comes on top
  • If the z-index of element doesn't have a positioned element(*), z-index does NOT have an effect => No stacking context is created(More on the next section)

(* ☝️ above is not precise. flex item and grid item don't need to be positioned to use z-index. Please refer to this link for when the stacking context is created)

  • No z-index means z-index: auto

The stacking context

Reference: The stacking context - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN

Main points

  • Elements are grouped into stacking contexts
  • z-index value is only compared against other elements in the same context => (DIV#4 has the highest z-index of all DIVs, but it is compared within the same stacking context)


Top comments (2)

afif profile image
Temani Afif

No z-index means z-index: 0 --> no, it means z-index:auto and not 0. There is a difference because 0 create a stacking context while auto doesn't.

If the z-index of element doesn't have a positioned element, z-index does NOT have an effect --> flex item and grid item don't need to be positioned to use z-index

takuyakikuchi profile image

Thanks a lot for your comment!!
Updated the content!