DEV Community

Discussion on: Welcome Thread - v13

taeluralexis profile image
Tae'lur Alexis 🦄⚛

Hey everyone! My name is Tae'lur Alexis and I'm a self-taught Front-End Developer. I've been learning to code for almost a year. For me the best part of building an application is executing a beautiful user experience. I am in love with gradients and fonts lol.

At the moment, I am building an app centered around selling a beauty monthly subscription with React, Node, MongoDB and have been learning Google OAuth. My comfort zone is front-end and I am definitely am seeking more opportunities to dive in the backend. I think that's why I've stuck with coding more than anything. I'm always tweeting my daily progress as a developer on Twitter (@taeluralexis ). If you want to check out my portfolio site, it's <3

Things I know: JavaScript, React, WordPress, Vue, AngularJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, a bit of PHP

📚 Things I want to learn: NextJS & Styled Components, GraphQL, some application security (I have a deep interest in fintech and am curious about cybersecurity)

A fun fact about me is that I'm a night owl. My creativity is fueled at night and so I sleep with my laptop basically next to me lol. I came across just an hour ago from posting this (4 a.m.)

danku profile image
Daniel McMahon

Welcome :) Look forward to your contributions :)

tiffanywismer profile image
Tiffany Wismer

Glad you are here!! :)