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Discussion on: Describe the worst job interview you've ever taken part in

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Stephen Belovarich • Edited

Oh, so many bad experiences to chose from. Which is the worst? That’s hard to pinpoint, but I would have to say driving to Beverly Hills to be charged parking (w/o validation) only to be greeted by two developers who didn’t really even introduce themselves much less give me any context for their positions, but they did offer a desk I could sit at.

The two developers had a compouter waiting, logged in. They wanted me to code a feature of an app, but didn’t bother putting an IDE on this computer. They watched me stumble, download an IDE, try to install it, and fail (lack of permissions). Yeah that’s right, you heard me, they watched me, over my shoulder the entire time. When they could finally resolve the permissions, I had to figure out the directory structure of an app, then code against it, in 30 minutes. Something told me at the time nobody at the office knew front end, which at the time of my career appeared more like a curse than a blessing.

Then there was the time Amazon flew me to headquarters. I stayed in a nice hotel, I thought it must be nice because I recognized basketball players staying there. The next day, I interviewed all day long, multiple rounds of technical interviews increasing in difficulty, but along the way, thought I performed well. I flew home from Seattle, waited a week to be told I didn’t get the job because of one point. One point? Really? The Amazon recruiter said he’d never seen it before and if I had earned one more point on their test, I would have had an offer.

I’m sure I have repressed so many bad experiences.