DEV Community

Discussion on: How can developers and product managers work better together?

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Mike Bybee • Edited

Agree wholeheartedly on Jira. It's powerful, but there's a lot you usually don't need. It's so much easier to link Trello, Git[whatever] issues, and a user feedback form that creates cards in Trello, and you can even categorize based on bug/feature request/whatever. IFFFT helps for a lot of integrations too. Or just use Trello internally and nothing else. Or just Git[Hub/Lab] issues/projects.

As for "by the book" anything, I disagree. I often tell people, "Project management methodologies are just sets of tools. Use the ones that make your life easier, and ignore the ones that don't make sense. If you follow any PM methodology like religious dogma, then you've missed the point entirely."

Oh, and there's really no reason to have a standup meeting anymore in 2020. Set up a DailyBot or similar where everyone submits their worked on/working on/blockers by a certain time in the morning, and you get an actionable dashboard of all of them in one place, no 15-minute meeting required.