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Discussion on: Ask for advice from non-native English speakers

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Stephanie Handsteiner • Edited

Opposed to the passive side (listening, reading), brushing up your active skillset (writing, speaking) isn't easy, especially if you're not living in an english speaking country... you know... because you don't have the opportunity to actually speak the language 24/7.

For the writing part, that has become easier, in fact you've just done it.
Engage with the english speaking internet. Do it a lot.
I'm guessing you write your code and documentation in English already? Extend that to to-do lists, notes, ... just about everything. Use English instead of your native language.

Speaking is tricky. When I was growing up, I used to hang out on english speaking teamspeak (nowadays, I assume, TS would be Discord or something else) servers, well, having been a gamer has helped with that though.

What I'm saying, have some people around with whom you are able to speak english, also if you're explaining concepts to yourself (or your rubber duck for that matters ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Edit: Ouch. Forgot to escape the backslash and therefore dropped my arm.)) again use English instead of your native language.