DEV Community

Discussion on: Adding Emoji 🔥 to your terminal

stephanie profile image
Stephanie Handsteiner • Edited

Just do source .bash_profile to have the file reloaded. :)

I'm using emojis to display the status of the repo in the prompt, like stashed files, uncommitted one's, etc. :)

xcodemanolo profile image
Manuel Navarro

Hi, Stephanie !
How do yo display the status of the stashed files, uncommitted one's, etc ?
Can you share those lines of code with us, please ?

Thanks !!!, Have a great day !!!

xcodemanolo profile image
Manuel Navarro

Would you mind to share your .bash_profile, please, Stephanie ?


stephanie profile image
Stephanie Handsteiner • Edited

Uh, I'm not using bash anymore.

My .zshrc is pretty standard aside from a few plugins and powerlevel10k